Schulbuchforschung und -analyse

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    Desigualdad de género, el currículo oculto en textos escolares chilenos
    (2014) Covacevich, Catalina; Quintela-Dávila, Gastón
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    Foreigner and foreignness in textbook literature
    (Georg-Eckert-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, 2009) Vogrinčič, Ana; Čepič, Mitja
    The paper deals with the question how the elementary school history textbook treats a role of a foreigner and the concept of foreignness as a universal indicative attribute of everything foreign in general. Using critical discourse analysis and referring to representative examples the authors point at often dubious implications and recurrent implicit and quasi self-evident assumptions hidden in the history textbook. The analysis relies heavily on the methods of pragmatics, especially on Grice "principle of co-operation in discovering the implicit messages" i.e. the notion of otherness in history textbooks. It reveals that the "other" is represented in (at least) two distinct ways. In the first place history textbooks were found to encourage the construction of national (Slovenian) identity by differentiation from foreigners that are European and Christian, where the process of identification can be both negative (enemies that try to destroy "us") and positive (the developed west). Secondly, there is the absolute "other"; non-European and non-Christian, where no positive identification is possible. In either case what we are witnessing, is the construction of a European identity.
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    Repräsentation des Islam und anderer Religionen im indonesischen Schulbuch. Eine Analyse von Sozialkundebüchern der Grund- und Mittelschule
    (Georg-Eckert-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, 2009) Müller, Serena
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    Teaching practises of use of printed textbooks in Argentina elementary schools
    (Georg-Eckert-Institut. Leibniz-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, 2014-08-01) Romero, Nancy
    This research purports to analyze the current teaching practices in the classroom related to the use of printed textbooks and the meanings that sustain these practices.The methodological strategy involved the completion of six focal groups of teachers of second cycle elementary -4th, 5th and 6th grade-, nonparticipant class observations and twelve in-depth teacher interviews. The results of the study demonstrated the existence of six practices in the use of textbooks. They are supported by the need to resolve tensions inherent to the teaching profession between available school time for teaching and the amount of content, teacher training and knowledge to be taught as prescribed by the curriculum, the inclusion of new technologies and school’s print culture predilection, children’s lack of interest for school proposals and the search to motivate them for learning, school assignments and families control over teacher performance. The work contributes to studies related to the use of textbooks by giving visibility to the specific embodiments of the office of teaching and accounting for what are the educational issues, social and cultural, that teachers consider when using textbooks.
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    Schulbücher als bildungsgeschichtliche Quellen. Das Beispiel der Fibel
    (2009-11-25) Teistler, Gisela
    Die vorgelegte Abhandlung bezieht sich im Wesentlichen auf folgende von der Autorin eingereichte Veröffentlichungen: Fibeln als Dokumente für die Entwicklung der Alphabetisierung in Deutschland: ihre Entstehung und Verbreitung bis 1850. In: Alphabetisierung und Literalisierung in Deutschland in der Frühen Neuzeit, 1999 (Sonderdruck) Fibel-Findbuch: Deutschsprachige Fibeln von den Anfängen bis 1944. Eine Bibliographie, 2003 (Buch) Lesen lernen in Diktaturen der 1930er und 10940er Jahre, 2006 (Buch). Alle drei bewegen sich im Umfeld von historischer Schulbuchforschung. Diese wird in ihrer recht kurzen geschichtlichen Entwicklung dargestellt und ergänzt durch eine Erörterung der Quellenlage, die zugleich mit dazu geführt hat, dass in Deutschland das Feld der bildungsgeschichtlichen Forschung nur unterrepräsentiert ist. Es gibt zwar eine ganze Reihe von schulbuchanalytischen Einzeluntersuchungen, die freilich nur einen geringen Teil des Gesamtterrains abdecken. Im Bereich des Erstleseunterrichts soll die Bibliographie „Fibel-Findbuch“ hier für Abhilfe sorgen. Diese steht im Zentrum der Abhandlung, deren chronologisch aufgebauter Hauptteil zusammen mit einer Vielfalt von Registern eine Arbeitsgrundlage für sehr unterschiedliche Forschungsansätze bietet. Zwei eigene aus dieser Bibliographie hervorgegangene Untersuchungen werden als Beispiele für Forschungsmöglichkeiten näher erläutert und verschiedene weitere Forschungsfelder vorgestellt, die eine Fülle von Zugängen erlauben. Auch die anderen eingereichten Arbeiten dokumentieren am Beispiel der Fibelgeschichte den Ausschnitt eines bildungsbezogenen Entwicklungsprozesses, der ausschließlich das Erstlesebuch fokussiert und dabei Einflussfaktoren von Gesellschaft, Politik und Bildungsbestrebungen sichtbar macht. Bereits an der Fibel als erstem schulischen Lesebuch wird deutlich, wie aussagekräftig die Inhalte von Schulbüchern als staatlich normierte Bildungsinstrumente sind: sie beleuchten in vielen Facetten sowohl pädagogische und didaktisch-methodische Vorgehensweisen als auch zeit- und sachbezogene bis religiös geprägte Themen und spiegeln damit eine bildungsgeschichtliche Vergangenheit im Kontext ihrer Unterrichtsmedien, die wichtige erkenntnisleitende Aussagen auch für die Gegenwart enthalten. Die Abhandlung soll zugleich ein Plädoyer für die historische Schulbuchforschung sein, die sich in Deutschland nur dann mit umfangreicheren Projekten etablieren kann, wenn sich die Quellenlage des Schulbuches und der Zugriff auf dieses Genre wesentlich verbessern.
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    Assessing educational materials in primary and secondary schools. Four assessment models
    (Georg-Eckert-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, 2010-05-05) Hansen, Hans Jørgen
    What characterizes the quality of educational materials – and – how can educational materials be assessed? These questions are central not only in a pedagogical practice but also in research and in educational policy in general, nevertheless, this field seems only examined and discussed very rarely in a theoretical perspective. There is quite a number of models for analysing and assessing educational materials among educators, however, what they seem to have in common is a lack of a theoretical foundation in relation to the concept educational materials and in relation to assessment. Consequently there is an imminent need for a certain degree transparency and structure when assessing teaching materials. Assessment of teaching tools opens to a range of fundamental questions, which can be found in much evaluation theory: What is the evaluation's object? Which method are you to use in order to collect knowledge? What are the evaluation's criteria build on, and what is the evaluation to be used to?
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    Developing story-writing textbook: (integrative thematic character building base learning) ; for fourth grade elementary students in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
    (2014) Winarni, Retno; Slamet, St. Y.
    This research was aimed to (1) describe the teacher teachers’ and students’ need on story-writing textbook; (2) develop the textbook prototype; (3) describe text book prototype development into textbook; (4) find the effectiveness of the application of the story-writing textbook; and (5) find out the acceptance of storywriting textbook. Research and Development (R & D) method was used in this research. The research was done in four steps, they are exploration stage, development stage, effectiveness testing stage, and dissemination. Result of the exploration stage showed that the quality of the Indonesian Language textbooks for fourth grade elementary students in Surakarta had not been appropriate to the teachers and the students, moreover on the story-writing materials. Steps which were done in developing stage were forming the materials outline for story-writing textbook, creating the Integrative Thematic Character Building Base learning procedure, determining the learning scoring system, and editing the Integrative Thematic Character Building Base Story-Writing Textbook. To ensure the excellence of the textbook, validation from the textbook expert and Indonesian Language learning expert were done. The result of the revision was tested on preliminary testing and main field testing in four elementary schools in Surakarta. Statistical test was done through non-independent T-test. The result showed that to (6.11) > tt (1.67) which means the hypothesis was accepted (Ho was rejected). The try-out of the textbook model showed that the textbook was acceptable to be used for the fourth grade students of elementary school. Experiment was done to measure the effectiveness of the textbook through statistical test using non-independent T-test. The result showed that to (24.75) > tt (1.66), thus the hypothesis was accepted (Ho was rejected). The result of the effectiveness test showed that the textbook was stated effective. The feasibility test to show the stakeholders’ responds toward the new textbook has been developed and experimented. Thus, the new textbook was stated feasible.
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    Gender and sexuality in English language education: focus on Poland
    (British Council, 2015) Pakuła, Łukasz; Pawelczyk, Joanna; Sunderland, Jane
    This research report looks empirically and critically at gender and sexuality in a selection of primary and secondary Polish EFL classrooms, in terms of representation in textbooks and classroom discourse overall. The data includes perspectives of teachers, students and Ministry of Education advisors. While the authors find much to be concerned about, they also identify progressive avenues. They conclude with a range of constructive and practicable suggestions for different language education practitioners: teachers, teacher educators, materials writers and illustrators, and policy makers.