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Item 2013/1: Volume 5, Issue 1: Special Issue: Postcolonial Memory Politics in Educational Media(New York: Berghahn Journals, 2017-01-27) Fuchs, Eckhardt; Otto, Marcus; Grindel, Susanne; Müller, Lars; Cajani, Luigi; Crawford, Keith; Pirický, Gabriel; Struck, Wolfgang; Lässig, SimoneIntroduction: Educational Media, Textbooks, and Postcolonial Relocations of Memory Politics in Europe Eckhardt Fuchs and Marcus Otto; The Challenge of Decolonization: School History Textbooks as Media and Objects of the Postcolonial Politics of Memory in France since the 1960s Marcus Otto; The End of Empire: Colonial Heritage and the Politics of Memory in Britain Susanne Grindel; “We Need to Get away from a Culture of Denial”? The German-Herero War in Politics and Textbooks Lars Müller; The Image of Italian Colonialism in Italian History Textbooks for Secondary Schools Luigi Cajani; Constructing Aboriginal Australians, 1930-1960: Projecting False Memories Keith Crawford; The Ottoman Age in South-Central Europe as Represented in Secondary School History Textbooks in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia Gabriel Pirický; De/Colonizing Pictures? German Television and Colonialism – An Essay Wolfgang Struck;Item 2013/2: Volume 5, Issue 2 with Special Section. Children´s Films(New York: Berghahn, 2017-01-28) Tröhler, Daniel; Foster, Stuart; Burgess, Adrian; Kümmerling-Meibauer, Bettina; Tydecks, Johanna; Wojcik-Andrews, Ian; Whitley, David; Åberg, Anders Wilhelm; Lässig, SimoneThe Technocratic Momentum after 1945, the Development of Teaching Machines, and Sobering Results Daniel Tröhler; Problematic Portrayals and Contentious Content: Representation of the Holocaust in English History Textbooks Stuart Foster and Adrian Burgess; Special Section: Children’s Films: Introduction: New Perspectives in Children’s Film Studies Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer; The Lost Thing: Moving Media Language from a Picture Book to a Short Film Johanna Tydecks; Elder Quests, Kid Ventures, and Kinder Quests Ian Wojcik-Andrews; Learning with Disney: Children’s Animation and the Politics of Innocence David Whitley; Conceptions of Nation and Ethnicity in Swedish Children’s Films. The Case of Kidz in da Hood (Förortsungar, 2006) Anders Wilhelm Åberg; Paratexts in Children’s Films and the Concept of Meta-filmic Awareness Bettina Kümmerling-MeibauerItem 2014/2: Volume 6, Issue 2: Special Issue: Textbooks, Identity Politics and Conflict Lines in South Asia(New York: Berghahn, 2017-05-11) Ghosh, Shreya; Banerjee, Basabi Khan; Stöber, Georg; Naseem, Muhammad Ayaz; Gaul, Anne; Stöber, Georg; Naseem, Muhammad AyazIntroduction: Textbooks, Identity Politics and Conflict Lines in South Asia – Muhammad Ayaz Naseem and Georg Stöber; Deconstructing Militarism in Pakistani Textbooks – M. Ayaz Naseem; Identity, Politics and Nation-building in History Textbooks in Bangladesh – Shreya Ghosh; Living in Harmony? “Casteism”, Communalism and Regionalism in Indian Social Science Textbooks – Basabi Khan Banerjee and Georg Stöber; Where are the Minorities? The Elusiveness of Multiculturalism and Positive Recognition in Sri Lankan History Textbooks – Anne GaulItem About Us and Our Neighbours: History Textbooks in the Republic of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine(2017-02-02) Musteaţă, SergiuThe principal research question pursued by this work is as follows: How do the Republic of Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine present one another in their history curricula and textbooks? How do the history textbooks of each of these three countries present the relationship between majorities and minorities in each case? As these key questions indicate, the book focuses on two main objectives: first, to generate improved understanding of the state of the discipline of history in these countries via discussion of reforms to and debates around history curricula in each country; and second, to shed light on the ways in which history textbooks in each of the three countries represent the other two and their peoples. Curriculum development and textbook production in all three countries still remain centralised. Textbooks are produced by state and private publishing houses. Most textbooks are curriculum-based and developed according to the guidelines issued by the Ministries of Education in each country, which control the content and quality of textbooks through their textbook publishing policies. History curricula and textbooks in all three countries have progressed, but we still encounter many problems, among them the following: • the content of curricula and history textbooks continues to place too much emphasis on national aspects to the detriment of the global, regional, and local dimensions of history; • it reflects the history of wars and violence instead of giving more space to periods of peaceful coexistence, cooperation and cultural communication, or of mutual enrichment between various social groups as well as between nations; • it neglects regional history and cultural and historical links with neighbouring countries; • as it stands, it has the potential to cause difficulties in history education and the development of ethnic identity, as well as in the relationship between “Us” and “Others”; • it leads to or tolerates poor textbook design. The relationship between national and European history remains a closely debated topic in all three societies. Their shared reality, as evidenced by this study, is that all three countries are currently not presenting the other two in any meaningful way in their history textbooks at all educational levels. In all three countries, history education and textbooks are dominated by political history and narratives of victimisation. National histories do not pay attention to their neighbours. History textbooks play an important part in the process of collective identity formation, of the building of a relationship with the past and the emergence of images of the “other”. The content of textbooks determines, in many cases, students' attitudes to their neighbours. Therefore, if the situation in history education is to improve and a respectful approach to “others” in history textbooks is to take root, there is a great need for joint efforts in this field by politicians, professionals and civil society stakeholders in Moldova, Romania and Ukraine.Item Abschlussbericht. Verwendung elektronischer Bildungsmedieninhalte in Braunschweiger Notebook-Klassen(Georg-Eckert-Institut. Leibniz-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, 2015) Bock, Annekatrin; Niehaus, Inga; Tribukait Maren;Die Studie fragt nach der Verwendung digitaler Bildungsmedien im Fachunterricht in zwei Teilprojekten unterschiedlicher Schwerpunktsetzung. Teilprojekt eins untersucht aus kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Perspektive die Vermittlung, Rezeption und Aneignung digitaler Bildungsmedieninhalte im Unterricht und vergleicht diese mit der klassischen Schulbucharbeit in Klassen ohne Notebooks. Während Teilprojekt eins die mediale Praxis als Teil des Schul- und Unterrichtsalltags in mehreren Fächern analysiert, fokussiert Teilprojekt zwei auf den Einsatz digitaler Medien im Geschichtsunterricht. Dabei wird aus didaktischer Perspektive das historische Lernen mit digitalen Bildungsmedien untersucht und nach den Potentialen dieses Medienwandels gefragt. Flankierend zu beiden Teilprojekten werden die Rahmenbedingungen der teilnehmenden Schulen beschrieben und gefragt, inwiefern die Ausstattung der Schulen, die Haltung der Schulleitung und der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer sowie externe Unterstützungsmaßnahmen den Einsatz von Notebooks und digitalen Medien beeinflussen. Das Working Paper fasst zunächst den aktuellen Forschungsstand zu digitalen Medien in der Schule zusammen, präsentiert die Ergebnisse der beiden empirischen Teilstudien und ein abschließende Fazit. Am Ende stehen konkrete Empfehlungen für die Bildungspraxis.Item Das Alte Ägypten in Schulbuch und Unterricht. Programmatische Überlegungen aus fachdidaktischer und ägyptologischer Perspektive(Georg-Eckert-Institut für internationale Schulbuchforschung, 2011-03-24) Backes, Burkhard; Eisenmenger, DanielDie folgenden Überlegungen und Vorschläge entstanden zum einen aus der keineswegs neuen Beobachtung, dass ein Vertreter des Fachs Ägyptologie den Schulunterricht über „das Alte Ägypten“, genauer gesagt dessen Ergebnisse, wie er sie anlässlich zahlreicher Museumsführungen für Schulklassen erlebt hat, als unzureichend empfindet. Zum anderen beruhen sie auf der gemeinsamen Einschätzung, dass die für eine hinreichende fachliche Qualität des Unterrichts notwendige Ausbildung nicht vorhanden ist. Gedanken über die Vermittlung von sachlich richtigem Wissen – hier anhand des Beispiels des Alten Ägypten – führen unweigerlich zur Frage nach dem Zweck dieser Wissensvermittlung. In einem ersten Teil widmet sich der Beitrag zunächst Fragen der korrekten Darstellung des Themas in Schulbüchern, um dann darauf aufbauend in einem zweiten Teil zu grundlegenderen, z. T. programmatischen Überlegungen zu gelangen.Item Analýza obsahu učebnice dějepisu(2010-06-11) Holečková, VlastaThe thesis deals with analysis of texts and pictures regarding the theme: Christianity and Church in a history textbook. In doing so, the fundamental terms are defined , namely, what is a picture with Christian theme and alike a paragraph. The substance of the textbook is collated with relevant literature from history. Keywords: christianity picture church paragraph history positive text analysis negative substance of textbooks neutral curriculum.Item Anglizismen in Geographieschulbüchern von 1945 bis heute(2016-02-29) Kuke, Neele;Der Artikel untersucht den Einfluss der englischen Sprache auf deutsche Geographieschulbücher von 1945 bis heute. Als Untersuchungsmaterial dienen 15 Geographieschulbücher, die zwischen 1948 und 2015 im Westermann Verlag für die Sekundarstufe I erschienen sind. Hieraus ergibt sich ein Korpus mit einem Gesamtumfang von 2570 Seiten. Zunächst wird der Begriff Anglizismus diskutiert und für den Artikel definiert. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen, dass das Vorkommen von Anglizismen von 10 im Jahr 1948 bis 144 im Jahr 2015 erheblich angestiegen ist. Insgesamt finden sich 913 Anglizismen, die im Anhang tabellarisch aufgelistet sind. Im zweiten Teil des Beitrages werden diese Anglizismen unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Aspekte untersucht. Der starke Einfluss des Englischen auf die Sprache in den untersuchten Geographieschulbüchern zeigt sich deutlich.Item Assessing educational materials in primary and secondary schools. Four assessment models(Georg-Eckert-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, 2010-05-05) Hansen, Hans JørgenWhat characterizes the quality of educational materials – and – how can educational materials be assessed? These questions are central not only in a pedagogical practice but also in research and in educational policy in general, nevertheless, this field seems only examined and discussed very rarely in a theoretical perspective. There is quite a number of models for analysing and assessing educational materials among educators, however, what they seem to have in common is a lack of a theoretical foundation in relation to the concept educational materials and in relation to assessment. Consequently there is an imminent need for a certain degree transparency and structure when assessing teaching materials. Assessment of teaching tools opens to a range of fundamental questions, which can be found in much evaluation theory: What is the evaluation's object? Which method are you to use in order to collect knowledge? What are the evaluation's criteria build on, and what is the evaluation to be used to?Item Ausgewählte DaF-Lehrwerke aus Sicht der Schüler/innen und Lehrer/innen – Lehrwerkanalyse und Befragung(2017-04-04) Krejčiříková, KateřinaDiploma thesis „Selected schoolbooks from the students and teachers point of view – schoolbook analysis and questioning“ deals with the German schoolbooks for German being a second foreign language at a primary school. It works out an analysis of four selected schoolbooks in coherence with the schoolchildren’s meaning and judging, considering selected components of the book. How knowledgeable are the students in their schoolbooks, what is their opinion on the amount of elementary educational contents. Marginal deals the thesis with the student’s point of view according the visual side of the schoolbook, meaning pictures and photographs. The work surveys of what kind of a schoolbook do the schoolchildren prefer. Obviously the thesis includes work with the opinions of the related teachers too.Item Balancing Victimhood and Complicity in Austrian History Textbooks. Visual and Verbal Strategies of Representing the Past in Post-Waldheim Austria(New York: Berghahn, 2014-06-04) Markova, InaThis article focuses on the impact of images on reconstructions of the past. In order to analyze the function of images in history textbooks, image-discourse-analysis is applied to a case study of Austrian post-war memory. The analysis of recent Austrian history textbooks provides insight into strategies by which notions of Austria as both “victim” and “perpetrator” of the National Socialist regime are held in balance. The article also focuses on the intentional framing of iconic depictions of two central Austrian sites of memory, Heroes’ Square (Heldenplatz) and the State Treaty (Staatsvertrag).Item Bibliographie zu Open Educational Resources (OER)(2014-12-19) Zülch, Stefan; Henrÿ, RoderichVorabauszug aus einer kommentierten Bibliographie zu Open Educational Resources enstanden für ein Lehrerfortbildungsseminar des Georg‐Eckert‐Instituts in Zusammenarbeit mit der Braunschweiger Bürgerstiftung und dem Medienzentrum Niedersachsen am 16. Juni 2014Item Bravo italiano e cattivo tedesco?: Darstellung der nationalsozialistischen und faschistischen Diktaturen in italienischen Schulgeschichtsbüchern(2016-06-24) Bosch, Isabelle;Der vorliegende Aufsatz untersucht die Darstellung des Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus in italienischen Schulgeschichtsbüchern aus fünf Jahrzehnten: die1950er bis 2000er Jahre. Die Darstellung der italienischen und deutschen Diktatur wird dabei vor dem Hintergrund politischer und gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen in Italien beleuchtet. Das Erkentnisinteresse gilt dieser Phase der italienischen und deutschen Geschichte, die bis heute noch kontroverse Diskussionen auslöst sowie die nationale Identität Italiens maßgeblich beeinflusst. Die Schulgeschichtsbücher werden in diesem Kontext als Beitrag und Zeugnis des nationalen Selbstverständnisses definiert und deuten den seit einigen Jahren stattfindenden Wandel zum differenzierten Umgang mit der nationalen Geschichte an.Item British and German Textbook Publishers: A Guide to Archive Collections(2017-05-04) Müller, LarsHistoric research is predominantly dependent upon access to source materials. However there are wide disparities in the archives of textbook publishers. This guide aims to redress the situation by creating a list of the archive collections of British and German textbook publishers. It provides brief information about existing archive collections and can act as a starting point for locating source material.Item Caught in a Nutshell: "Islam" and the Rise of History Textbooks in Germany (1700-2005)(New York: Berghahn, 2014-01-06) Jonker, GerdienIn this article, I explore the dominant narratives about Islam in German history textbooks since the eighteenth century until the present day. I thereby deconstruct a longue durée script with a rather curious pattern. Until the 1980s, textbook narratives about Islam were rooted exclusively in people’s historical imagination. Only when the children of Turkish workers entered the classroom did textbook authors try to accommodate knowledge based on real encounters. By addressing the different stages of this longue durée script, I enquire into the functions of narratives as they underpinned a German and European “we.”Item Caught in the Web or lost in the textbooks?: Eighth International Conference on Learning and Educational Media(Jouve, 2006) Bruillard, Éric; Aamotsbakken, Bente; Knudsen, Susanne V.Item Change and Continuity in British columbian Perspectives as Illustrated in Social Studies Textbooks from 1885 to 2006(New York: Berghahn, 2014-06-03) Broom, CatherineThis paper presents an overview of British Columbia’s (B.C.) educational history interweaved with descriptions of textbooks. Focusing on social studies textbooks, this article explores change and continuity in the history of public schooling, paying attention to whether citizens were conceptualized as active, passive, or patriotic citizens. It identifies four key periods: the establishment of public schools in B.C., the rise of the progressivist movement in the 1930s and reaction to it, advocacy of Bruner’s structure of disciplines in the 1960s, and pendulum swings in philosophic orientations in the latter part of the twentieth century. The article illustrates connections between contemporary philosophies and textbooks, and identifies continuity and change in the content and aims of the textbooks.Item Changing histories. Japanese and South African textbooks in comparison (1945 - 1995)(Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2011) Nishino, RyôtaThe teaching of history in South African and Japanese schools has attracted sustained criticism for the alleged attempts to conceal the controversial aspects of their countries’ past and to inculcate ideologies favourable to the ruling regimes. This book is the first attempt to systematically compare the ways in which education bureaucracy in both nations dealt with opposition and critics in the period from ca. 1945 to 1995, when both coun tries were dominated by single-party governments for most of the fifty years. The author argues that both South African and Japanese education bureaucracy did not overtly express its intentions in the curriculum documents or in the textbooks, but found ways to enhance its authority through a range of often subtle measures. A total of eight themes in 60 officially approved Standard 6 South African and Japanese middle-school history textbooks have been selected to demonstrate the changes and continuity.Item Comment promouvoir l'égalité entre les sexes par les manuels scolaires?: guide méthodologique à l'attention des acteurs et actrices de la chaîne du manuel scolaire(UNESCO, 2008) Brugeilles, Carole; Cromer, Sylvie