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    Repräsentation des Islam und anderer Religionen im indonesischen Schulbuch. Eine Analyse von Sozialkundebüchern der Grund- und Mittelschule
    (Georg-Eckert-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, 2009) Müller, Serena
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    Colbert kam, sah und - siegte? Ein Schulbuch und sein Merkantilismus
    (Georg-Eckert-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, 2009-08-03) Neifeind, Harald
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    Images of Europe in middle and high school history textbooks in the people's Republic of China
    (Georg-Eckert-Institut. Leibniz-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, 2014) Yan, Yang
    Since the beginning of the twentieth century, when China's first official textbooks for world history appeared, European history has played a significant role in the teaching of world history in the country. Due to historical influences and the limitations associated with the times, there have been some misconceptions with regard to images of Europe during this period. However, the notion that Europe was a worthy object of study for China was never discarded. The evolution of these images of Europe reflects both changes in the times and in people's ideas of the continent. Understanding this evolution is of substantial significance for gaining a deeper understanding of current China-EU relations.
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    Impliziter Rassismus und kulturelle Hegemonie im Schulbuch?: Rassismuskritische Analyse und objektivhermeneutische Rekonstruktion
    (Georg-Eckert-Institut. Leibniz-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, 2014) Grawan, Florian
    Die Forschungsarbeit untersucht zwei Ausschnitte aus bayerischen Schulbüchern für das Fach Sozialkunde unter Berücksichtigung einer rassismuskritischen Perspektive. Nach einer theoretischen (Fall-)Einbettung zur Rassismustheorie wird unter Verwendung der Objektiven Hermeneutik die latente Sinnstruktur der Ausschnitte herausgearbeitet. Obgleich die Schulbücher vor ihrer Freigabe einer rechtlichen Prüfung unterzogen wurden, sind in den Textstellen Bedeutungen zu erkennen, die auf impliziten Rassismus im Schulbuch hinweisen.
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    War oder Wahr? Was unsere Schulbuchweisheit uns denken lässt ... . Eine empirische Untersuchung des Anspruchs und der Umsetzung des Geschichtsunterrichts an deutschen Gymnasien anhand der Darstellung der Entdeckung Amerikas in Geschichtsschulbüchern
    (Georg-Eckert-Institut. Leibniz-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, 2013) Gürtler, Leonie
    In dieser Arbeit wird die Darstellung historischer Epochen in deutschen Geschichtsschulbüchern der gymnasialen Mittel- und Oberstufe daraufhin untersucht, ob sie die Ziele, die der Geschichtsunterricht hat, verwirklichen. Dabei wird exemplarisch und empirisch vorgegangen, indem die 'Entdeckung' Amerikas durch Christoph Columbus in verschiedenen Geschichtsschulbüchern analysiert wird. Die aus der Analyse hervorgehenden Aussagen werden gemeinsam mit Theorien, die auf dem aktuellen Forschungsstand beruhen, der vorherrschenden Quellenlage und dem bildungspolitischen Anspruch, festgelegt durch die Kultusministerkonferenz, verglichen.
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    Images of Europe in Secondary School History Textbooks in the People's Republic of China
    (Georg-Eckert-Institut. Leibniz-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, 2014-10-16) Yan, Yang
    Since the beginning of the twentieth century, when China's first official textbooks for world history appeared, European history has played a significant role in the teaching of world history in the country. Due to historical influences and the limitations associated with the times, there have been some misconceptions with regard to images of Europe during this period. However, the notion that Europe was a worthy object of study for China was never discarded. The evolution of these images of Europe reflects both changes in the times and in people's ideas of the continent. Understanding this evolution is of substantial significance for gaining a deeper understanding of current China-EU relations.
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    Recent debates on Greek history textbooks: The case of the contemporary history textbook for 6th grades by Maria Repousi
    (Georg-Eckert-Institut. Leibniz-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, 2013-05-08) Bilginer, Emre Metin
    This paper aims to analyse one of the recent debates surrounding history textbook writing in Greece. The debate in question was generated by the publication of a history textbook written by a group of historians, led by the historian Maria Repousi. The centuries-long common history of Greeks and Turks has always been a sensitive issue among the public and politicians alike, and a cause of lively debate. With a new perspective on a number of issues, Contemporary History Textbook for 6th Grades brought about a debate, which engulfed the whole of Greek society. The debate surrounding the book emphasised major political divisions in Greek society and highlighted the way leading political parties and other groupings perceived major historical issues pertaining to the common past of the two nations.
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    From the coming of the knights to EU membership. An innovative Maltese history textbook based on history thinking skills and evidential work
    (Georg-Eckert-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, 2010-06-23) Vella, Yosanne
    From the Coming of the Knights to EU Membership is a new Maltese history textbook for 13 to 15-year olds choosing history as their special option subject in secondary school. This textbook was edited and part-authored by the author of this paper and published by the Maltese History Teachers’ Association in October 2008. This textbook covers the main historical events that are proposed in the state secondary level history curriculum for history special option groups, referred to in Malta as the SEC Syllabus. The first school leaving national examination based on this curriculum was held in May 2009.