Schulbuchforschung und -analyse

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    Nation-Building Policies and Interethnic Relations in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan
    (2017-08-02) Ushakova, Anastassiya Vladimirovna
    Inner-state conflicts arising from cultural, ethnic, linguistic and other differences started appearing after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Kazakhstan, being one of the main recipients of the Slavic diaspora in Soviet times encountered the problems of interethnic distrust and alienation after 1991. Despite the fact the Kazakhstani government had announced as its main priority the construction of a civic nation and of the feeling of belonging to one state, it strongly supported Kazakh self-consciousness, which led to several consequences, one of which was intensive emigration of the Slavic population. It has resulted in demographic, socio-economic and interethnic tensions. Despite the fact these were studied to some extent, no comprehensive approach has been taken to analyze these issues. Therefore, this research paper aims to answer the question of how the Kazakhstani nation-building policy influenced the relations between Kazakhs and Russians. Given that the instilling of the national idea can be achieved through many institutions this research focuses on the historical narratives in school and university textbooks; administrative regulations and legislative systems, and their implications for each ethnic group; plus their implementation in the symbolic realm of the cities, which includes renaming of streets, removal of monuments, and museums. The results of this research show that the reasons for the emigration of the Slavic population and the general deterioration of interethnic relations in the country were the results of nation-building policy implementation. Firstly, the object of the Kazakhstani historiography was and still is the history of the Kazakh ethnicity, leaving other nations without a ‘past’. Secondly, a closer analysis of the state legislative system shows that the government supported Kazakh self-consciousness by dividing people into titular and non-titular nations, and then gave linguistic and legal privileges to the Kazakhs. Analysis of the sociological surveys and interviews that have been conducted present the Slavic populations discontent with this situation. Finally, and despite the fact the government actively supported the revival of Kazakh self-consciousness in the 1990s in different spheres; the findings show that it did not force the process of total elimination of the Soviet legacy in the urban realm, especially in the north-east, because of the threat of separatist movements.
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    Ausgewählte DaF-Lehrwerke aus Sicht der Schüler/innen und Lehrer/innen – Lehrwerkanalyse und Befragung
    (2017-04-04) Krejčiříková, Kateřina
    Diploma thesis „Selected schoolbooks from the students and teachers point of view – schoolbook analysis and questioning“ deals with the German schoolbooks for German being a second foreign language at a primary school. It works out an analysis of four selected schoolbooks in coherence with the schoolchildren’s meaning and judging, considering selected components of the book. How knowledgeable are the students in their schoolbooks, what is their opinion on the amount of elementary educational contents. Marginal deals the thesis with the student’s point of view according the visual side of the schoolbook, meaning pictures and photographs. The work surveys of what kind of a schoolbook do the schoolchildren prefer. Obviously the thesis includes work with the opinions of the related teachers too.
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    Analýza obsahu učebnice dějepisu
    (2010-06-11) Holečková, Vlasta
    The thesis deals with analysis of texts and pictures regarding the theme: Christianity and Church in a history textbook. In doing so, the fundamental terms are defined , namely, what is a picture with Christian theme and alike a paragraph. The substance of the textbook is collated with relevant literature from history. Keywords: christianity picture church paragraph history positive text analysis negative substance of textbooks neutral curriculum.
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    Mensenrechteneducatie in Maatschappijleerboeken: een case study : verslag van Onderzoek van Onderwijs voor de eerstegraadsbevoegdheid Leraar Voortgezet Onderwijs Maatschappijleer en Maatschappijwetenschappen
    (2016-12-01) de Kort, Frauke
    Dit onderzoek had als hoofdvraag: in welke mate is er ruimte voor mensenrechteneducatie binnen het vak maatschappijleer zoals vormgegeven in het leerboek Seneca Maatschappijleer havo-vwo? Hiervoor heb ik eerst drie deelvragen beantwoord. Met behulp van een literatuuronderzoek heb ik criteria voor mensenrechteneducatie binnen het vak maatschappijleer vastgesteld (1). Door middel van een inhoudsanalyse van het leerboek heb ik kunnen beantwoorden in hoeverre het leerboek aan deze criteria voldoet (2) en door middel van halfgestructureerde interviews met de auteurs van het leerboek heb ik een aantal mogelijkheden en obstakels (3) ontdekt voor het aanpassen van het leerboek aan deze criteria van mensenrechteneducatie. Ik ben tot de conclusie gekomen dat er slechts in beperkte mate ruimte is voor mensenrechteneducatie binnen het vak maatschappijleer zoals vormgegeven in het leerboek Maatschappijleer havo-vwo van Seneca. De meeste concepten van mensenrechteneducatie komen slechts impliciet voor. Hierdoor voldoet het leerboek niet aan de criteria, maar zijn er wel aanknopingspunten om mensenrechten expliciet te maken. Er moet echter aan een aantal voorwaarden voldaan worden om die ruimte te kunnen benutten. Deze voorwaarden zijn zowel terug te voeren op kennis, inzicht en wil van de kant van de auteurs, maar ook op pragmatische en commerciële overwegingen van de uitgever.
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    Die Konstruktion Russlands und des Westens in bayrischen Schulbüchern
    (2016-12-06) Meyen, Ferdinand
    Diese Arbeit fragt danach, wie Russland und der Westen in bayerischen Schulbüchern konstruiert werden. Dabei spezifiziert sie sich auf Bücher aus dem Fach Geschichte, die in bayerischen Gymnasien und Realschulen momentan verwendet werden. Mit Hilfe einer Metaphern- sowie einer Narrativ-Analyse kommt sie zu dem Schluss, dass die Bücher eine westlich zentrierte Modernisierungsgeschichte erzählen – Geschichte ist die Entwicklung hin zu westlichen Werten. Wenn die Bücher über Russland schreiben, geschieht das meist im Kontext von Metaphern und Narrativen, die ein rückschrittliches und fremdes Russland-Bild kreieren, wohingegen der Westen stets für Innovation und Fortschritt steht. Das herrschende Wissen der Schulbücher konstruiert ein eurozentriertes pro-pestliches Bild.
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    Texas' Textbook Troubles – How a neo-conferderate dentist changed the U.S. History Curriculum
    (2016-07-13) Krooneman, Roderik Merlijn
    “Texas’ Textbook Troubles” is a thesis written for the master’s degree program at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. The subject of this thesis is the revision of the social studies Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) by the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) during the Spring of 2010. The central question of this thesis is what circumstances enabled Don McLeroy to inject neo-Confederate dogma into the U.S. history curriculum in post-Jim Crow Texas during the Social Studies TEKS revision of 2010. This question is answered through an examination of the minutes of the SBOE meetings, a biographical enquiry into the leader of the conservative bloc of the SBOE, Don McLeroy, and an analysis of the main tenets of Neo-Confederate dogma. In order to establish a workable definition of neo-Confederate dogma, three distinct elements of neo-Confederate ideology are formulated.