Das Schulbuch in der Forschung. Analysen und Empfehlungen für die Bildungspraxis
Fuchs, Eckhardt
Niehaus, Inga
Stoletzki, Almut
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Göttingen: V&R unipress
Welche Erwartungen stellen Lehrende und Lernende an Schulbücher? Wie werden Schulbücher im Unterricht eingesetzt und tragen sie der Herausforderung von Migration und Inklusion in der Schule Rechnung? Der Band fasst neueste Forschungen zum Schulbuch systematisch zusammen. Die historische Entwicklung, fachdidaktische Perspektiven und die Gestaltung von Schulbüchern werden ebenso in den Blick genommen wie kognitionspsychologische Aspekte und der Einfluss von Schulbüchern auf Lernprozesse. Die abschließenden Empfehlungen bieten Bildungspraktikern bei der Verwendung von Lehrmitteln Orientierungshilfe und ermutigen, Trends forschungs- und bildungspolitisch voranzutreiben.
What do teachers and learners expect from textbooks? How are textbooks used in the classroom, and do they meet the challenges posed to schools by migration and the inclusion of students with diverse backgrounds and needs? This volume provides a systematic overview of recent and current research on textbooks, investigating the medium’s development in history, subject-specific viewpoints and issues around textbook design alongside aspects of textbooks relating to cognitive psychology and textbooks’ influence on processes of learning. The recommendations with which the volume concludes are intended to provide educational practitioners with a guide to using teaching materials in the classroom and to help drive the continued development of key trends within research and education policy.
What do teachers and learners expect from textbooks? How are textbooks used in the classroom, and do they meet the challenges posed to schools by migration and the inclusion of students with diverse backgrounds and needs? This volume provides a systematic overview of recent and current research on textbooks, investigating the medium’s development in history, subject-specific viewpoints and issues around textbook design alongside aspects of textbooks relating to cognitive psychology and textbooks’ influence on processes of learning. The recommendations with which the volume concludes are intended to provide educational practitioners with a guide to using teaching materials in the classroom and to help drive the continued development of key trends within research and education policy.
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