Kluft am Kap. Geschichtsunterricht nach der Apartheid
Hues, Henning
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Göttingen: V&R unipress
In Südafrika besteht zwischen Bildungsplanung und Bildungspraxis eine unübersehbare Kluft. Exemplarisch wird in diesem Buch die schulische Aufarbeitung des sensiblen Themenkomplexes der Apartheid untersucht. Der Lehrplan formuliert den Anspruch, Respekt und Verständnis zwischen den unterschiedlichen Bevölkerungsgruppen des Landes zu fördern. Doch wie lassen sich diese hehren Ziele in einem Land umsetzen, dessen Lehrkräfte oftmals unzureichend ausgebildet sind und für dessen Gesellschaft die jüngere Vergangenheit für alle Seiten schmerzhaft ist? Diese Arbeit widmet sich der empirischen Ausleuchtung des spannungsreichen Verhältnisses curricularer Vorgaben und unterrichtlicher Praxis.
The gap between the planning and practice of education in South Africa is highly evident. This book engages with an instance of this gap by exploring the ways in which schools in South Africa deal with the sensitive issues surrounding the apartheid era. The curriculum in this area stipulates that teaching about apartheid should promote mutual respect and understanding between the nation’s various population groups. But how can these noble aims be translated into reality in a country whose teachers frequently fail to receive adequate training and which is struggling with the legacy of a recent past which has been painful for almost all groups within society? This book uses empirical methods to illuminate the tension-filled relationship between the stipulations set out in the South African curriculum and the practices taking place in its schools.
The gap between the planning and practice of education in South Africa is highly evident. This book engages with an instance of this gap by exploring the ways in which schools in South Africa deal with the sensitive issues surrounding the apartheid era. The curriculum in this area stipulates that teaching about apartheid should promote mutual respect and understanding between the nation’s various population groups. But how can these noble aims be translated into reality in a country whose teachers frequently fail to receive adequate training and which is struggling with the legacy of a recent past which has been painful for almost all groups within society? This book uses empirical methods to illuminate the tension-filled relationship between the stipulations set out in the South African curriculum and the practices taking place in its schools.
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