Curriculumforschung und -analyse
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Item Preventing Violent Extremism through Education: International and German Approaches(2018-12-10) Christodoulou, Eleni; Szakács, SimonaThere is a great deal of discussion on how people are not born violent extremists but ‘made’ into one, as well as an increasing recognition that education can play a crucial role in preventing violent extremism. However, to date there is very little research on either an international or a national level on practices and approaches of preventing violent extremism through education (PVE-E). This study fills in this gap by firstly providing a comprehensive mapping of, as well as critical engagement with, the discourses and practices of twelve key international organisations currently involved in PVE-E on both a formal and informal level. It illustrates the different ways in which organisations perceive and enact PVE-E and places the significance of their actions in a comparative context exposing both strengths and weaknesses. Secondly, this study offers the first systematic analysis of PVE-E content in both curricula and textbooks of history and social studies in Germany’s 16 federal states. It engages with how specific themes such as ‘extremism’ and ‘terrorism’ are treated in 87 curricular documents and maps dominant representations of violent extremism emerging from an analysis of 137 textbooks intended for the lower secondary level of education across different types of schools. The study also problematizes existing PVE-E practices in the formal curriculum within the German federal system and identifies possible avenues for improvement. Finally, the study concludes with recommendations for policy-makers and practitioners for both the international and national levels.Item Learning to Live Together in Africa through History Education. An Analysis of School Curricula and Stakeholders’ Perspectives(Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2017-11-13) Bentrovato, DeniseThis study sheds light on the current state of history education in Africa and reflects on its potential to prepare the continent’s learners for the challenges of “learning to live together”. Drawing on an examination of school curricula and the experiences of educational stakeholders, it identifies trends in the processes and outcomes of recent curricular revisions, and discerns key challenges relating to the teaching and learning of history across Africa. It scrutinises the position afforded to history within African education systems, and surveys related content and pedagogies. While it identifies African history as a fundamental yet sensitive and controversial subject, it also illustrates examples of present-day curricular strategies aimed at integrating a concern for the promotion of a “culture of peace”.Item Digital learning in European education policies and history curricula(2017-07-03) Tribukait, Maren; Baier, Katharina; Grzempa, Hanna; Loukovitou, Antigoni; Sijakovic, Romana; Tettschlag, Nadin; Vuka, DenisThe advancement of digital technology has raised hopes of radical improvements in education. However, teaching and learning in European schools still seem to follow conventional patterns. This study asks how contemporary European education policies and curricula frame digital learning in schools, with particular attention to history education. It investigates digital strategies, media education concepts, core curricula, and history and IT-related curricula, which collectively shape the requirements, guidelines and expectations for the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in history lessons. In addition to analysing European Union policy, the study includes case studies of seven European countries (Albania, Denmark, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain).Item History Can Bite. History Education in Divided and Postwar Societies(Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2016-10-26) Bentrovato, Denise; Korostelina, Karina V.; Schulze, MartinaThe volume provides critical insights into approaches adopted by curricula, textbooks and teachers around the world when teaching about the past in the wake of civil war and mass violence, discerning some of the key challenges and opportunities involved in such endeavors. The contributors discuss ways in which history teaching has acted as a political tool that has, at times, been guilty of exacerbating inter-group conflicts. It also highlights history teaching as an important component of reconciliation attempts, showcasing examples of curricular reform and textbook revision after conflict, and discussing how the contestations and difficulties surrounding such processes were addressed in different post-conflict societies.Item Russian Christ. The Struggle of the Russian Orthodox Church to Introduce Religion into the Curriculum in the First Decade of the Twenty-first Century(New York: Berghahn, 2014-06-01) Shnirelman, Victor A.An interest towards a social role of religion including religious education (RE) is in increase in the European Union. Yet, whereas the Western educators focus mostly on potentials of religion for a dialogue and peaceful co-existence, in Russia religion is mostly viewed as a resource of an exclusive cultural-religious identity and a resistance to globalization. RE was introduced into the curriculum in Russia during the last ten to fifteen years. The author analyzes why, how and under which particular conditions RE was introduced in Russia, what this education means, and what social consequences it can entail.Item “Mandela, the Terrorist.” Intended and Hidden History Curriculum in South Africa(New York: Berghahn, 2014-06-05) Hues, HenningThis article focuses on how some aspects of the South African history curriculum are interpreted and “lived out” in two South African high schools. The article introduces the history curriculum reconstruction process and its surrounding developments since 1994 until the release of the National Curriculum Statement in 2003. It then focuses on the curricular intentions which reflect the reorganization of history teaching and serve as benchmark for teachers. Using empirical data gathered in Afrikaans schools, I describe how classroom practices represent the history curriculum. The data indicates that schools provide space for curriculum modification and the creation of a “hidden curriculum.”Item Migrationsbedingte Vielfalt im Unterricht: Lehrerhandeln zwischen theoretischen Ansprüchen und praktischen Herausforderungen(Georg-Eckert-Institut. Leibniz-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, 2015) Ahlrichs, JohannaDie vorliegende Pilotstudie wurde von der Max-Traeger-Stiftung gefördert und entstand im Zeitraum von September 2012 bis März 2013 am Georg-Eckert-Institut für internationale Schulbuchforschung. Sie umfasst eine Lehrplananalyse und eine exemplarische Untersuchung von Schulbüchern in Bezug auf das Thema Migration sowie eine bundesweite Online-Umfrage und 16 qualitative Interviews unter Lehrenden an allgemeinbildenden Schulen zum Thema migrationsbedingte Vielfalt im Unterricht. Ziel der Studie ist es, einen ersten Überblick über die vorhandenen Strategien von Lehrkräften in Bezug auf migrationsbedingt heterogene Klassen zu schaffen. Dabei stehen die Auswahl, Bewertung und Nutzung von Lehrmaterialien sowie die Gestaltung des Fachunterrichts im Vordergrund, aber auch die kontextuellen Bedingungen des LehrerInnenhandelns werden berücksichtigt. Die Untersuchung weist auf die Komplexität des Spannungsverhältnisses zwischen theoretischen Ansprüchen an die LehrerInnenkompetenzen und praktischen Herausforderungen des Schulalltags hin und zeigt verschiedene Anknüpfungspunkte für weitere Forschung auf.Item Lehrplan 21. Diskussion einer umfassenden Reform des Schulsystems in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz(Georg-Eckert-Institut. Leibniz-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, 2014) Loukovitou, AntigoniMit dem Lehrplan 21 hat die Deutschschweizer Erziehungsdirektoren-Konferenz eine harmonisierende und zugleich modernisierende Weiterentwicklung der Volksschulbildung in den 21 deutsch- und mehrsprachigen Kantonen auf den Weg gebracht. Der erste öffentliche Entwurf wurde in der zweiten Hälfte des vergangenen Jahres einem Vernehmlassungsverfahren unterzogen, in dem alle wichtigen Akteure im Bildungsbereich ihre Auffassungen dazu darlegten und auch kontrovers diskutierten. Das vorliegende Working Paper fasst die wichtigsten Aspekte dazu anhand von einschlägigen Medienberichten zusammen, erläutert wichtige Begriffe und listet zentrale Einstiegspunkte zu weiterführenden Dokumentationen und Recherchen auf.Item Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung?(Georg-Eckert-Institut. Leibniz-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, 2013) Kuke, NeeleFür einen Wandel in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit bedarf es einer gravierenden Änderung unseres Verhaltens, unserer Einstellungen, Werte und Normen. Die Bildung spielt hierbei eine wesentliche Rolle. Dieses wurde im Jahr 1992 während der Weltkonferenz der Vereinten Nationen für Umwelt und Entwicklung in Rio de Janeiro in der Einigung auf die Agenda 21 deutlich und wurde unterstützt von der Generalversammlung der VN im Dezember 2002, die die Jahre 2005 bis 2014 als Weltdekade für „Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung“ (BNE) ausrief. Vor dem Hintergrund des bevorstehenden Abschlusses der UN-Dekade stellt sich die Frage, in wie weit die Zielsetzung der Verankerung insbesondere im schulischen Bereich erreicht wurde.Item 'Transition' and the politics of history education in Southeast Europe(Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2009) Dimou, Augusta (ed.)This volume, edited by Augusta Dimou, offers an overview over the developments in the area of history education in the erstwhile states of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Moldavia from the middle of the 1990's until today. Basis of all contributions is the process of bulding nations with its influence on history politics and school, within the framework of an encouraging, and yet contradictory, tranformation process. Additionally, the roles internationally active education figures and institutes play in the region is examined. Under which circumstances and with what means can reforms and interventions succeed long term in the area of education? In which direction are historical narratives moving? This volume's contributions seek to answer these, and other, questions. They give an insight into the complex tranformations in South East Europe's education sector from an interdisciplinary perspective.