Integrationsmedium Schulbuch. Anforderungen an islamischen Religionsunterricht und seine Bildungsmaterialien
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Göttingen: V&R unipress
Die Anforderungen an Islamischen Religionsunterricht sind hoch: Nach dem Bildungsauftrag der Schulen soll eine Kultur der Anerkennung ethnisch-religiöser Diversität gefördert werden, Ziel ist die Bildungsinklusion aller Schülerinnen und Schüler. Dieser Band konkretisiert und versachlicht die Diskussion um die Einführung von Islamischem Religionsunterricht und um Schulbücher für diesen Unterricht. Dazu legt er Grundlagen des neuen Fachs offen, bezieht theoretische und unterrichtspraktische Erfahrungen auf das Thema »Religion im Kontext von Migration« und trägt zum transkulturellen Diskurs um Bildungsmaterialien bei. Die Autorinnen und Autoren sind an Schulen tätig, in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, der Lehrerausbildung sowie an Hochschulen. Die Islamwissenschaftler, Religionspädagogen, Theologen, Historiker, Soziologen, Ethnologen und Pädagogen wenden sich mit diesem Band an Praktiker, bereichern aber auch die noch junge wissenschaftliche Diskussion um die Rolle des Islam in Deutschland.
High demands are being made on Islamic religious education. Apart from the educational mandate in schools, it is expected to promote a culture of acknowledgement of ethnic and religious diversity, the objective being the educational inclusion of all pupils. This volume discusses the introduction of Islamic instruction in schools and the relevant text books in concrete, objective terms. To this end, the volume explains the fundamentals of the new subject, relates theoretical and practical teaching experiences to the issue of religion in a migratory context, and contributes to the transcultural discourse over teaching materials. The authors work in schools, in the children’s and young people’s welfare services, in teacher training and in tertiary education. The book addresses Islamic scholars, teachers of religious education, theologians, historians, sociologists, ethnologists and educationists, but also enriches the still new academic debate on the role of Islam in Germany.
High demands are being made on Islamic religious education. Apart from the educational mandate in schools, it is expected to promote a culture of acknowledgement of ethnic and religious diversity, the objective being the educational inclusion of all pupils. This volume discusses the introduction of Islamic instruction in schools and the relevant text books in concrete, objective terms. To this end, the volume explains the fundamentals of the new subject, relates theoretical and practical teaching experiences to the issue of religion in a migratory context, and contributes to the transcultural discourse over teaching materials. The authors work in schools, in the children’s and young people’s welfare services, in teacher training and in tertiary education. The book addresses Islamic scholars, teachers of religious education, theologians, historians, sociologists, ethnologists and educationists, but also enriches the still new academic debate on the role of Islam in Germany.
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