Georg-Eckert-Institut. Leibniz-Institut für Internationale SchulbuchforschungBilginer, Emre Metin2016-05-022016-05-022013-05-08 Zugang. - Lizenz: creative commons: by-nc-ndThis paper aims to analyse one of the recent debates surrounding history textbook writing in Greece. The debate in question was generated by the publication of a history textbook written by a group of historians, led by the historian Maria Repousi. The centuries-long common history of Greeks and Turks has always been a sensitive issue among the public and politicians alike, and a cause of lively debate. With a new perspective on a number of issues, Contemporary History Textbook for 6th Grades brought about a debate, which engulfed the whole of Greek society. The debate surrounding the book emphasised major political divisions in Greek society and highlighted the way leading political parties and other groupings perceived major historical issues pertaining to the common past of the two nations.Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 19 Seiten; 604,8 KB)engRecent debates on Greek history textbooks: The case of the contemporary history textbook for 6th grades by Maria RepousiOnline-Publikation745117228urn:nbn:de:0220-2013-00024GriechenlandGeschichtsunterrichtSekundarstufe 1Schulbuch