Karge, Heike2016-12-012016-12-012002-02-01http://repository.gei.de/handle/11428/207The training seminar has been successfully conducted from January 28th, till February 1st, 2002. 22 experts from various Albanian institutions took part in the seminar, among them members of the Ministry of Education, the Institute of Pedagogical Research, the Textbook Publishing House and the six members of the project´s core group. All participants are related through their professional work either with the prodcution and design of textbooks or with analysing and approving procedures for textbooks in Albania. According to the terms of reference, the consultant´s task was during five days to train this group of national experts on textbook analysis. The training was to be focussed on the theory and practice of textbook analysis and should enable the local team to conduct an analysis of existing school textbooks at primary and secondary level. In consultation with the national experts, the training focussed on theory and practice of textbook analysis of the subjects history, geography, civics and literature.enReport on the Training Seminar for Textbook Analysis within the framework of the Project on Intercultural Education and Human Rights Education in Albania (UNESCO)Working Paper