Georg Eckert InstituteBode, MatthiasDefrance, CorineFuchs, EckhardtPfeil, UlrichSammler, SteffenStrobel, Thomas2021-07-122021-07-122021-07-122191-0790 Eckert, the ‘founding father’ of the Institute for International Textbook Research that still bears his name, helped shape the field of textbook research, the educational landscape and international cultural policy in the early years of the Federal Republic of Germany. His larger-than-life personality had a lasting impact and his impressive life’s work endures. Georg Eckert has fascinated many academics, who have applied a range of distinct disciplinary and institutional perspectives to their explorations of his work as a historian, cultural anthropologist, educator and actor in cultural foreign policy.101 Seiten 1,206 KBengNamensnennung 3.0 Deutschland Eckert: A Driving Force in International Textbook Revision and Cultural PolicyOnline-Publikationurn:nbn:de:0220-2021-0064International textbook workCultural PoliticsEducational mediaNeue OstpolitikInternational understandingUNESCO